Welcome to the Cali-Life Roleplay server wiki! Explore the topics below to enhance your in-game experience.
Requirements: Players must hold the managerial role at the dealership.
The dealership's manager has the authority to display vehicles in the showroom without the need for them to be in stock.
When a dealer successfully sells a vehicle priced above $100,000, they will receive a pay ticket. This ticket can be redeemed at the bank for an additional cash reward.
To acquire a property, players can effortlessly approach the house's entrance and execute the command "[G] View House." Subsequently, they should select the option 'Buy House.'
When selling their property, players should approach the house's interior, invoke the command [G] for Options, and choose 'Sell House.' It is important to note that when selling to the state, players will only receive a specified percentage of the initial purchase price.
Players have the creative freedom to decorate both the interior and exterior of their residence according to their preferences.
It's essential to remember that the value of each house is determined by various factors, including its aesthetics, square footage, the presence of a garage, plot size, and interior quality.
To present your license or identification, kindly right-click the corresponding item within your inventory and opt for the 'use' command.